PyCon Feedback and Volunteers ( Pycon disappointment)
Mike Driscoll
kyosohma at
Mon Mar 17 10:31:03 EDT 2008
On Mar 17, 8:16 am, a... at (Aahz) wrote:
> In article <873aqp6bbq.... at>,
> Torsten Bronger <bron... at> wrote:
> >Carl Banks writes:
> >> On Mar 16, 10:49 pm, Brian Jones <bkjo... at> wrote:
> >>> On Mar 16, 8:09 pm, a... at (Aahz) wrote:
> >>>> If you did not like the programming this year (aside from the
> >>>> sponsor talks) and you did not participate in organizing PyCon
> >>>> or in delivering presentations, it is YOUR FAULT. PERIOD.
> >>> I find this insulting, inexcusable, and utter nonsense. If
> >>> putting the blame for a failed experiment on the backs of the
> >>> good folks who paid good money for travel, lodging, and
> >>> registration is also an experiment, you can hereby consider it
> >>> also failed.
> >> He said "aside from the sponsor talks", chief.
> >I see no reason why the "fault" for parts of the rest being
> >sub-optimal, too, must necessarily be on the attendee's side. (Just
> >hypothetically; I wasn't at PyCon.)
> Let's suppose you have a group of friends who collectively throw a party.
> They invite you to help out organizing it and putting it together, but
> you choose not to. If you don't have a good time at the party because it
> wasn't what you wanted, I think it's fair to say it was your fault. And
> I think exactly the same thing is true for PyCon, albeit on a much larger
> scale.
> It is absolutely critical to the long-term success of PyCon as a
> volunteer-run community conference that each attendee take responsibility
> for their experience. Science fiction fandom -- the part that holds
> volunteer-run events such as Worldcon -- has lots of experience with this
> model. It is one reason why such cons make a fuss about attendees being
> "members", compared to "purchasing a ticket" (which is what you do for a
> commercialized Star Trek con).
> --
> Aahz (a... at <*>
> "It is easier to optimize correct code than to correct optimized code."
> --Bill Harlan
You have a lot of good points, Aahz. I was thinking of the talks and
such as a kind of seminar learning event, not a participatory
community event. I went for two reasons:
1) To learn more Plone / Zope
2) To hang out with Python geeks
The first one I didn't really get anywhere with, but I got lots of
time with PyCon attendees, which was cool. I hope I can go next year,
make new friends and maybe present some of my own stuff.
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