String To List
castironpi at
castironpi at
Mon Mar 17 08:21:54 EDT 2008
> > > > I have a string a = "['xyz', 'abc']".. I would like to convert it to a
> > > > list with elements 'xyz' and 'abc'. Is there any simple solution for
> > > > this??
> > > > Thanks for the help...
> > > eval(a) will do the job, but you have to be very careful about using
> > > that function. An alternative is
> > > [s.strip('\'"') for s in a.strip('[]').split(', ')]
> > This will fall over if xyz or abc include any of the characters your
> > stripping/splitting on (e.g if xyz is actually "To be or not to be,
> > that is the question"). Unless you can guarantee they won't, you'll
> > need to write (or rather use) a parser that understands the syntax.
> > Iain
> Thinking about this some more; could the string module not use a
> simple tokenizer method? I know that relentlessly adding features to
> built-ins is a bad idea, so I'm not sure if this falls within
> batteries-included, or is actually just adding bulk. On the one hand,
> it's not difficult to write a simple state-based token parser
> yourself, but on the other it is also quite easy to include a pile of
> bugs when you do. By simple I mean something like:
> def tokenize(string, delim, closing_delim=None, escape_char=None)
> which would return a list (or a generator) of all the parts of the
> string enclosed by delim (or which begin with delim and end with
> closing_delim if closing_delim is set), ignoring any delimiters which
> have been escaped by escape_char. Throw an exception if the string
> is malformed? (odd number of delimiters, or opening/closing delims
> don't match)
> In the OP's case, he could get what he want's with a simple: l =
> a.tokenize("'")
Slippery slope, though, to nested delimiters, and XML after that.
Where does shlex get us? Do we want to parse "['xyz', 'abc',
['def','ghi']]" any special way? Are there security concerns past a
really low complexity level, such as recursion overflows?
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