Decimal vs Float comparasion

Wojciech Walczak wojtek.gminick.walczak at
Tue May 6 02:32:03 EDT 2008

2008/5/6, Yuan HOng <hongyuan1306 at>:
>  It seems decimal object will always be larger than float in
>  comparasion, which goes against common sense:
>  >>> from decimal import Decimal
>  >>> a = Decimal('0.5')
>  >>> a > 99999
>  False
>  >>> a > 99999.0
>  True
>  It seems to me that rather than allowing this to happen, comparasion
>  between the two should either be made correct (by convertion decimal
>  to float e.g.) or forbidden, like arithmatic operations between the
>  two types.

Looks like a nasty bug.

a > 99999.0 returns True because NotImplemented > 99999.0 returns True.
a < 99999.0 returns False because NotImplemented < 99999.0 returns False.

As you can see the real comparision has nothing to do with your Decimal number.
I think you can report it at

Wojtek Walczak

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