Reading Java byte[] data stream over standard input

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch bj_666 at
Mon May 19 02:22:08 EDT 2008

On Sun, 18 May 2008 22:11:33 -0700, sapsi wrote:

> I am using HadoopStreaming using a BinaryInputStream. What this
> basically does is send a stream of bytes (  the java type is : private
> byte[] bytes) to my python program.
> I have done a test like this,
> while 1:
> 	if x:
> 		print x
> 	else:
> 		break
> Now, the incoming data is binary(though mine is actually merely ascii
> text) but the output is not what is expected. I expect for e.g
> all/86000/114.310.151.209.60370-\n62485.9718
> 60370
> However i get a 1 before all and a 4 just after \n and before the 6.
> My question is : how do i read binary data(Java's byte stream) from
> stdin?
> Or is this actually what i'm getting?

If there's extra data in `x` then it was sent to stdin.  Maybe there's
some extra information like string length, Java type information, or
checksums encoded in that data!?

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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