unified command line args, environment variables, .conf file settings.
smitty1e at gmail.com
Fri May 2 22:16:57 EDT 2008
Just a fun exercise to unify some of the major input methods for a
script into a single dictionary.
Here is the output, given a gr.conf file in the same directory with
the contents stated below:
smitty at localhost ~/proj/mddl4/test $ ./inputs.py
{'source_db': '/home/sweet/home.db'}
smitty at localhost ~/proj/mddl4/test $ source_db="test_env" ./inputs.py
{'source_db': 'test_env'}
smitty at localhost ~/proj/mddl4/test $ ./inputs.py -f "test_cli"
{'source_db': 'test_cli'}
For the file
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Goal: unification of environment variables, command line, and
# configuration file settings.
# The .conf file is the specification.
# Optional environment variables can override.
# Optional command-line inputs trump all.
# Example is a file spec for a source database for an application.
# .conf has a contents like:
# [CONF]
# source_db=/home/sweet/home.db
# 1. Decide (make an option?) to retain the simple dictionary or build
# class from the options.
# 2. Allow for multiple .conf locations, trying to be cool like
# xorg.conf
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
CONF = "CONF" #section in .conf file
CONF_FILE = "gr.conf" #name of config file
PLACEBO = "placebo" #mindless default that we don't want
gconf = {} #all your config are belong to here
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option( "-f" , "--file"
, dest = "source_db"
, help = "source database"
, default = PLACEBO )
(cl_opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
config = SafeConfigParser()
file_conf = dict(config.items(CONF))
for k in file_conf:
if os.environ.has_key(k):
gconf[k] = os.environ[k]
if cl_opts.__dict__.has_key(k):
if cl_opts.__dict__[k]!=PLACEBO:
gconf[k] = cl_opts.__dict__[k]
print gconf
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