Getting a set of lambda functions

John Nagle nagle at
Sun May 25 21:46:27 EDT 2008

Martin Manns wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to get a set of lambda functions that allows me executing each
> function code exactly once. Therefore, I would like to modify the set
> function to compare the func_code properties (or the lambda
> functions to use this property for comparison). 
> (The reason is that the real function list is quite large (> 1E5), there
> are only few functions with non-equal code and the order of execution
> is not important.)
> How can I achieve this?
>>>> func_strings=['x', 'x+1', 'x+2', 'x']
>>>> funclist = [eval('lambda x:' + func) for func in func_strings]

   What are you actually trying to do, anyway?  What's the application?

   You probably don't want to use "eval" that way.  If you want function
objects out, use "compile".

					John Nagle

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