
gianluca geonomica at
Tue May 13 18:35:01 EDT 2008

I need help indeed, about python/swig C  wrapper. Exactly, I've built
a python library from C library and it seem works. Unfortunatly, a
gruop of function that requred pointer to pointer parmeters give  me a
exception like this:
"TypeError: in method 'BestRules', argument 1 of type 'value_type **'"
I've tryed to use cpointer.i to obtain a pointer to use in function
but this don't work.
Could you help me?
thanks in advace.

Gianluca Massei

PS. this is my interface.i file:
%module pyRSL
%include "cpointer.i"

#include "rough.h"
#include "raccess.h"
#include "rbasic.h"
#include "rclass.h"
#include "rcore.h"
#include "reduct1.h"
#include "reduct2.h"
#include "rerror.h"
#include "rset.h"
#include "rsystem.h"
#include "rule1.h"
#include "rule2.h"

%include "rough.h"
%include "raccess.h"
%include "rbasic.h"
%include "rclass.h"
%include "rcore.h"
%include "reduct1.h"
%include "reduct2.h"
%include "rerror.h"
%include "rset.h"
%include "rsystem.h"
%include "rule1.h"
%include "rule2.h"

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