anagram finder / dict mapping question

Paul Rubin http
Thu May 8 20:01:42 EDT 2008

dave <squareswallower at> writes:
>                         if newtlist not in mapdic:
>                                     mapdic[newtlist] = [line]
>                         if line not in mapdic[newtlist]:
>                                     mapdic[newtlist].append(line)

I'd use the defaultdict module to avoid the above.

>             for value in mapdic.values():
>                         if len(value) <= 1:
>                                     pass
>                         else:
>                                     print value

I'd write:

           for value in mapdic.values():
                  if len(value) > 1:
                        print value

I'd actually use itervalues rather than values, but that's a little
bit fancy, you don't have to worry about it til later.

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