access interactive namespace from module (shared namespace?)
teroV at nowhere.invalid
Sun May 25 06:17:46 EDT 2008
Ulrich Dorda wrote:
> I've got a probably embarrassing trivial problem with namespaces, but
> couldn't solve it myself nor find an answer in the net. Hopefully one of
> you guys can help me.
> What I want to do:
> Use the interactive shell and e.g define the variable a there.
> Then load a module and access a from within.
> e.g file ""
> def doit():
> print 2*a
> in the shell:
> import utest
> a=3
> utest.doit() <- I want this to print 2*a, but of course obtain: <type
> exceptions.NameError'>: global name 'a' is not defined
> Any change I do to a in the shell should be seen from the doit()
> function, any variable assignment I do in the doit() function should be
> seen in the shell. I guess it's somehow a namespace sharing.
> Actually the function doit() will contain an eval() function that should
> evaluate a (via a gui) dynamically inserted expression.
> Any one got a clue? (a clue what I try to say and how to help?!)
> Thanks a lot in advance!!
> Ulrich
Here is one way
def doit(valuemap):
print 2*valuemap['a']
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar 7 2008, 04:10:12)
[GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
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>>> a = 4
>>> import utest
>>> utest.doit(locals())
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