File Creation Not Working In A Thread Class?

Arnaud Delobelle arnodel at
Sun May 11 15:49:53 EDT 2008

bc90021 <python at> writes:

>> ...and the exact error message was?
>> Here is a tip: if you want people to help you, then you have to help
>> them to help you.  Personally, I wouldn't respond to anymore of your
>> questions because you seem incapable of posting the information that was
>> requested.
> So far, the people who have answered this post have gone on the 
> assumption that I'm stupid.  I'm not.  I took perfectly working code, 
> cut it from one class, and put it in another.  It stopped working in the 
> second class.  I've spent days on this and trust me, given what I've 
> experienced of the Python community so far, if I didn't have to ask, I 
> wouldn't.

I have in no way assumed that you are stupid.  I have tried to help
you formulate your problem better so that people on the list can help
you.  I believe I have done so respectfully, with the aim of
introducing you to the modus operandi of this group.

> (I really must say that so far the help I am getting in the Python 
> community is a big let down.  Whether it's on IRC or here, everyone has 
> an arrogance that I don't find anywhere else in the open source 
> community, and it seriously makes me question the choice of language that 
> I've made.)

Don't judge too quickly.  I think this newsgroup is on the whole
extremely helpful.  I have learnt a lot from it.  But you have to get
used to its ways, and until you are familiar with them, approach it
with humility.

> The error message was at the top of the thread (am I incapable of posting 
> it, or are you incapable of following a thread?), but here it is again:
> IOError: [Errno 2] no such file u'tempfileName'

This is different from the error message that you posted in your
original message.

Anyway, what is useful to us is a full traceback, no just an error


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