Compare 2 files and discard common lines
cwitts at
Thu May 29 05:02:31 EDT 2008
On May 29, 10:36 am, loial <jldunn2... at> wrote:
> I have a requirement to compare 2 text files and write to a 3rd file
> only those lines that appear in the 2nd file but not in the 1st file.
> Rather than re-invent the wheel I am wondering if anyone has written
> anything already?
How large are the files ? You could load up the smallest file into
memory then while iterating over the other one just do 'if line in
other_files_lines:' and do your processing from there. By your
description it doesn't sound like you want to iterate over both files
simultaneously and do a line for line comparison because that would
mean if someone plonks an extra newline somewhere it wouldn't gel.
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