how to pass C++ object to another C++ function via Python function
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Fri May 2 17:23:40 EDT 2008
En Fri, 02 May 2008 00:26:38 -0300, grbgooglefan <ganeshborse at>
> On Apr 22, 7:54 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-... at>
> wrote:
>> If you have a C function that receives a PyCObject, just include the
>> relevant headers (cobject.h) and you can retrieve the original pointer
>> using PyCObject_AsVoidPtr:
> This works. But only once, means if I try to use this object second
> time in Python function it causes crash.
> What I am doing in my program is that I am putting STL map in a
> structure & passing that structure as object to a Python function
> alongwith other agurments of that Python function. This briefly as
> below:
> // In pyinterface.h file:---
> typedef hash_map<char*,int> Elements;
> typedef hash_map<char*,Elements*,StringHash,eqstr>
> PerExchGroupsElementsTable;
> typedef struct capsule {
> PerExchGroupsElementsTable* refgrps;
> } *pcapsule;
> // In pyinterface.cpp file:---
> numvars = // value set depending on number of variables of that python
> function
> PyObject *pTuple = PyTuple_New(numvars);
> // Set variables as below:
> for(nCtr = 0; nCtr < numvars; nCtr++){
> slot = prul->pVarLst[nCtr].slot;
> ndtyp = ordvars[slot].dtype;
> switch(ndtyp){
> case(INT_T):
> PyTuple_SetItem(pTuple,nCtr,PyInt_FromLong(ordvars[slot].nvalue));
> break;
> case(FLOAT_T):
> PyTuple_SetItem(pTuple,nCtr,PyFloat_FromDouble(ordvars[slot].fvalue));
> break;
> case(STRING_T):
> PyTuple_SetItem(pTuple,nCtr,PyString_FromString(ordvars[slot].cvalue));
> break;
> default:
> printf("\nUnknown data type [%d] for %s\n",ndtyp,prul-
>> pVarLst[nCtr].var);
> bUnknownDataType = true;
> break;
> }
> if(bUnknownDataType){
> ret = -1;
> break;
> }
> }
> // Then set the C++ object as below:
> if(ret == 0){
> capsule grpob;
> if(pGroups){
> grpob.refgrps = pGroups; // pGroups is pointer to
> PerExchGroupsElementsTable map & is global.
> int ret = PyTuple_SetItem(pTuple,
> (numvars-1),PyCObject_FromVoidPtr((void *)&grpob, NULL));
> }
This look suspicious - what if !pGroups? You can't leave a tuple item
uninitialized - if you create a tuple with PyTuple_New(3), then you have
to fill the 3 items.
And beware of that local variable grpob - you're using a pointer to it,
and it won't be valid when execution goes out of this block. You must
ensure that nobody stores a reference to it.
And you should decref the tuple even if this block isn't executed.
> PyObject *ptr = PyObject_GetAttrString(_pPyModule,fname);
> if(PyErr_Occurred() || *ptr == NULL){
> printf("PyObject_GetAttrString failed:%s",fname);
> return;
> }
> if(!PyCallable_Check(*ptr)){
> printf("%s not a callable Python code\n",fname);
> Py_XDECREF(*ptr);
> *ptr = NULL;
> return;
> }
All those *ptr should be ptr (the compiler should issue a lot of warnings,
I presume?)
> What happens is that when Python function TSE581 gets called from my C
> Program via PyObject_CallObject (as shown at top of this post), co1
> function works fine & can access the map pointer properly.
> But when next function like1 gets called, crash happens.
> My queries are & things on which I need help are:
> 1) Is there anything wrong I am doing when I am passing the C-Object
> from my C++ code->Python -> C++ code again?
I see nothing obviously wrong, except the above notes. If you get warnings
from the C++ compiler, try to fix all of them.
> 2) Am I missing to increase or decrease the reference count somewhere.
In case of error you exit early but without releasing some existing
objects. (Sometimes a goto statement *is* the right thing to do)
> 3) I dont want map pointer to be ever freed because it is Process
> level data structure & requried at every execution of these Python
> functions. How do I avoid its cleanup when it gets passed to Python &
> Python cleans up those objects.
Python will do nothing with the pointer inside a PyCObject - unless you
want to, and pass a cleanup function as the second argument to the
PyCObject constructor.
Gabriel Genellina
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