PHP + TinyButStrong Python replacement
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Wed May 7 09:31:02 EDT 2008
pistacchio wrote:
> Mike Driscoll ha scritto:
>> On May 7, 6:12 am, pistacchio <pistacc... at> wrote:
>>> hi! i'm a php user and a python programmer. i'd love to use python for
>>> my server side needs but i can't seem to find what i'm looking for. for
>>> most of my php work i use mysql and tinyButStrong
>>> ( which is a very lightweight template
>>> engine that offers powerful functionalities. you insert TBS tags in web
>>> pages like:
>>> <div align="center" class="title-page"> [var.x] </div>
>>> and it replaces [var.x] with the value of global variable x. it also
>>> makes blocks (and nested blocks) easy to implement:
>>> <p class="text-example2"> [blk1;block=begin] [blk1.val]<br>
>>> [blk1;block=end] </p>
>>> in the previous code it cycles throu all the values of the array blk1.
>>> it does many more things, like htlm escaping, url and js encoding etc,
>>> conditional displaying etc, but it is not more confusing that inserting
>>> pieces of code into the HTML (aka: littering the code and kissing
>>> goodbye to the code/presentation separation). it comes in the form of a
>>> single file with a single class that you can easily include in the code
>>> and go.
>>> now, i've searched the net and it seems full of python-based frameworks
>>> for doing server side scripting and templating, but none that suits my
>>> needs.
>>> 1. i like writing code and i like control. i mean, open up the
>>> simplest text editor and write in it. i don't want something that is
>>> command-line driven or that writes code for me like ">>>
>>> makePagesFromThisDatabase()".
>>> 2. i want something very lightweight. i don't want dozen of options,
>>> pre-made blogging parts ecc. i just need a good non invasive template
>>> engine and the basic functions for server side scripting, like session
>>> managing, request parsing, functions to manipulate html code (encodings
>>> etc)
>>> 3. i don't want to beg my hosting provider to install the libraries.
>>> a simple include file should do the work.
>>> 4. object oriented programming is not required (better: i prefer
>>> plain old procedural programming).
>>> any help? thanks in advance
> hi, thanks for replaying
>> Did you look at TurboGears or Django? TG uses Kid in the 1.x series
>> and Genshi in 2.x (I think) for templating purposes. There's also
>> Cheetah, one of the more powerful Python templating engines out there.
> django is exacly the kind of giant i'm trying to avoid
> the first lines of the tutorial read:
> "First, make sure you have CherryPy 3.0.x installed"
> Now, cherrypy is something that is not properly "include a file and get
> going!"
> kid seems to have a non-linear approach, but i may give it a try
> cheetah was something that i already considered using. have i to
> "install" it or can i just import it?
You will need to install any of these. It is part of how python is designed.
Extendability comes with a price-tag.
I don't know for sure, but I guess the cherrypy-requirement of genshi is
more for the tutorial, not for the templating itself.
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