namespaces and eval
dave.g1234 at
Tue May 20 16:39:20 EDT 2008
On May 17, 12:20 am, Arnaud Delobelle <arno... at> wrote:
> dave.g1... at writes:
> > On May 16, 2:47 pm, "bruno.desthuilli... at"
> > <bruno.desthuilli... at> wrote:
> >> On 16 mai, 23:23, dave.g1... at wrote:
> >> > Thanks for the responses. I'm well aware that the function can be
> >> > passed in the parameters, passing in the functino as an arg defeats
> >> > the purpose of what I'm going after.
> >> Why so ?
> >> > @ Arnaud - Nice. I'm not sure what the performance of mine vs. yours,
> >> > but a perfunctory glance looks like we're doing the close to the same
> >> > thing. Maybe one advanage to doing it wrap(x).foo().... is that you
> >> > can pass in other parameters to foo.
> >> I may be wrong (if so please pardon my lack of intelligence and/or
> >> provide a couple use case), but it looks like you're trying to
> >> reinvent partial application.
> >> from functools import partial
> >> def foo(x, y):
> >> return x + y
> >> pfoo = partial(foo, 2)
> >> print pfoo(42)
> >> Don't know if this helps...
> > Ok, so that solves the issue of the aforementioned compose function.
> > We could do compose( partialfoo,....) ) etc (although I might say I
> > prefer wrap(x).foo(23).foo(16 ..etc ) The original idea was to
> > provide wrapper around an object that lets you call abritrary
> > functions on that object with it as a parameter - i.e., as if it were
> > a method in a class. The partial function was only a component of the
> > code I posted earlier. Or am I missing something you're saying?
> Ok so you want to do
> wrap(x).foo(42).bar('spam')...
> What is the advantage over
> foo(x, 42)
> bar(x, 'spam')
> ...
> ?
> --
> Arnaud
*shrug*, just syntactic preference I guess. In jquery, for example,
you are working over sets of DOM elements and it's convenient to chain
those statements into a single line of etc. IMO
it's a little cleaner to do that as an 'atomic' line, but it's not
really that different. Ideally the classes you are using would
support this without 'wrap' but I was just tinkering with a hack to do
it that way.
Thanks for the help
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