Newbie: Keep TCP socket open

Alan Wright alan.wright at
Mon May 19 18:50:50 EDT 2008

Scapy does the same, only it sends RST and not FIN, so still no help


Only have windows at the moment sadly.


"Ghirai" <ghirai at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.1364.1211234091.12834.python-list at
> On Mon, 19 May 2008 20:25:57 +0100
> "Alan Wright" <alan.wright at> wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> Using the socket in a list is great
>> However, as i imagined, I now get a limit of around 1500 conns before
>> the system crashes out, also i have noticed, that the ports loop back
>> to 1025 when they hit 5000.
>> Any ideas on how to make the list/socket get to around 50K
>> TIA
> Try to use scapy to send raw empty packets with S flag set.
> Also use Linux/BSD if you're trying this on Windows.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ghirai. 

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