Python is slow

Brian Blais bblais at
Fri May 23 11:44:11 EDT 2008

On May 23, 2008, at May 23:10:11 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:

> On 2008-05-23, RPM1 <rpm9deleteme at> wrote:
>> Larry Bates wrote:
>>> If your Python program is slow, you have almost assuredly
>>> approached it with a wrong method or algorithm.
>> I agree for most applications.  There are however times where
>> Python just isn't fast enough, and that's usually when people
>> write extension modules.
> Writing an extension modules is probably pretty far down the
> list.  What usually happens is people

I think that really depends on what you are doing.  For me, it is  
exactly as Larry said.  I prototype in Python, then profile to figure  
out the slowest piece(s), and write an extension module.  Personally,  
I use Cython which makes the transition pretty trivial.  It is this  
solution (cython, that is) that convinced me to use Python over Ruby,  
or some other language, when I was moving code from Matlab.  I  
haven't regretted it since.


Brian Blais
bblais at

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