Using Python for programming algorithms

Paddy paddy3118 at
Wed May 21 01:39:30 EDT 2008

On May 17, 11:32 pm, Vicent Giner <vgi... at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am new to Python. It seems a very interesting language to me. Its
> simplicity is very attractive.
> However, it is usually said that Python is not a compiled but
> interpreted programming language —I mean, it is not like C, in that
> sense.
> I am working on my PhD Thesis, which is about Operations Research,
> heuristic algorithms, etc., and I am considering the possibility of
> programming all my algorithms in Python.
> The usual alternative is C, but I like Python more.

Using Python doesn't mean you give up on C! Many of the best
algorithms written in other languages such as C, C++ and Fortran are
pre-wrapped in Python or can be wrapped in a Python interface to
enhance usability, without having to pay Matlab-type prices. You then
make your resulting work easier to reproduce by lowering the cost to
other researchers.

Python is a scripting language. Despite what some may think, it is a
boon, as it means that Pythons designers value its ability to work
well with other languages and systems.

Nothing stops you from exploring algorithm space in Python then re-
implementing in a language closer to assembler - and this may well be
the quicker way to your goal.

- Paddy.

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