maximum recursion depth?

John Nagle nagle at
Wed May 28 00:19:06 EDT 2008

alex23 wrote:
> On May 28, 9:26 am, globalrev <skanem... at> wrote:
>> is there a definitie limit to the nbr of calls or is the memory that
>> runs out? is that then the RAMmemory? is there a special amount of
>> memory assigned for python or it just takes and takes until windows
>> runs out of it?
> You can alter the recursion limit using sys.setrecursionlimit:
>     setrecursionlimit(n)
>     Set the maximum depth of the Python interpreter stack to n.  This
>     limit prevents infinite recursion from causing an overflow of the
> C
>     stack and crashing Python.  

    The default is rather low.  I've actually hit it parsing big HTML
files with BeautifulSoup.

					John Nagle

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