New chairman
Andrii V. Mishkovskyi
mishok13 at
Tue May 27 11:55:02 EDT 2008
2008/5/27 Sverker Nilsson <sn at>:
> I dont want to be a new Guido. Somebody else please.
Please, explain why should we fork Python? Because Python 3.0 will
have 'print' as a function, not as a statement, am I right? Or maybe
the reason is a major breakage of C API in Python 3.0, so that
Guppy-PE/Heapy will both need a complete re-write? There is a
rationale for these changes and you've been told about it several
times, but you don't care much to listen.
Well, anyway, nobody stops you from forking a project called
'Python'. Python is free software, as you know.
> S.
> On May 27, 5:21 pm, Sverker Nilsson <s... at> wrote:
>> I was talking about Guido van Rossum
>> The one who decides, so far when people agree
>> But we can make a new fork
>> He is the originator, but now it seems, for me, it is hanging out in
>> the air
>> So we need some new leadership
>> From somebody, somebody like you perhaps. Or me.
>> Sverker
>> On May 27, 4:50 pm, "Andrii V. Mishkovskyi" <misho... at>
>> wrote:
>> > 2008/5/27 Sverker Nilsson <s... at>:
>> > > seems to be needed
>> > > He doesn't seem to care much anyway now
>> > > Or if he cares, he have many other assignments
>> > Who are you talking about?
>> > > So should we try to elect a new chairman?
>> > Chairman? Elaborate please.
>> > > I am probably not eligible. There must be many others.!
>> > > Do you dare?consper
>> > Hm, are you and castrionpi twin brothers or something?
>> > > S.
>> > > --
>> > >
>> > --
>> > Wbr, Andrii Mishkovskyi.
>> > He's got a heart of a little child, and he keeps it in a jar on his desk.
> --
Wbr, Andrii Mishkovskyi.
He's got a heart of a little child, and he keeps it in a jar on his desk.
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