Returning to 'try' block after catching an exception

Karlo Lozovina _karlo_ at _mosor.net_
Thu May 22 04:19:40 EDT 2008

Duncan Booth <duncan.booth at invalid.invalid> wrote in 
news:Xns9AA6596091F47duncanbooth at

> Catching only the specific exceptions you think you can handle would 
> be  more Pythonic: that way things like sys.exit() will still work 
> inside some_function.

I know, this was just a somewhat poorly example ;).

> I prefer a 'for' loop rather than 'while' so I can limit the number of 
> retries.
> The following may or may not be 'more pythonic', but is something I've 
> used. It's a factory to generate decorators which will retry the 
> decorated function. You have to specify the maximum number of retries, 
> the exceptions which indicate that it is retryable, and an optional 
> filter function which can try to do fixups or just specify some 
> additional conditions to be tested.

Interesting approach, I think I'll use something like that for avoding 
infinite loops. Thanks a lot...

 _______                                        Karlo Lozovina - Mosor
|   |   |.-----.-----.     web: || ICQ#: 10667163
|       ||  _  |  _  |             Parce mihi domine quia Dalmata sum.

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