New chairman
mccredie at
Tue May 27 12:10:09 EDT 2008
On May 27, 8:21 am, Sverker Nilsson <s... at> wrote:
> I was talking about Guido van Rossum
> The one who decides, so far when people agree
> But we can make a new fork
> He is the originator, but now it seems, for me, it is hanging out in
> the air
> So we need some new leadership
> From somebody, somebody like you perhaps. Or me.
> Sverker
> On May 27, 4:50 pm, "Andrii V. Mishkovskyi" <misho... at>
> wrote:
> > 2008/5/27 Sverker Nilsson <s... at>:
> > > seems to be needed
> > > He doesn't seem to care much anyway now
> > > Or if he cares, he have many other assignments
> > Who are you talking about?
> > > So should we try to elect a new chairman?
> > Chairman? Elaborate please.
> > > I am probably not eligible. There must be many others.!
> > > Do you dare?consper
> > Hm, are you and castrionpi twin brothers or something?
> > > S.
> > > --
> > >
> > --
> > Wbr, Andrii Mishkovskyi.
> > He's got a heart of a little child, and he keeps it in a jar on his desk.
Guido is the BDFL: Benevolent Dictator For Life. He was not elected.
If you want new leadership in Python it won't be done via a vote, it
will be via a coup. You will need to create your own community (and
probably fork of Python) that is superior to the existing version. So
much that people decide to migrate from one to the other.
Any conversation that leads to such a communal fork would probably
begin with discussing things that should be done differently in Python
and garnering support.
Personally, what I like _most_ about python is the community. Guido
played a large part in establishing this community. If you put
together a coherent argument regarding the future of Python people
will listen, including Guido.
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