Accepting text input

Kam-Hung Soh kamhung.soh at
Tue May 13 23:04:39 EDT 2008

On Wed, 14 May 2008 11:02:36 +1000, Collin <collinyeung at> wrote:

> Gabriel Genellina wrote:
>> En Mon, 12 May 2008 01:54:28 -0300, Collin <collinyeung at>  
>> escribió:
>>> Collin wrote:
>>>> I'm pretty new to Python, but this has really bugged me. I can't find  
>>>> a
>>>> way around it.
>>>> The problem is that, when I use raw_input("sajfasjdf") whatever, or
>>>> input("dsjfadsjfa"), you can only have numerical values as answers.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
>>> Oh, wow. I feel so stupid. Please disregard this message. <_<
>>  No need to apologize...
>>> I read the error message just now a bit more carefully, and I tried
>>> something. I tried defining "yes" as some random numerical value. Then
>>> when I did:
>>> (example code)
>>> yes = 123123983 #some number
>>> test = input("Test test test ")
>>> if test == yes:
>>> 	print "It worked."
>>> else:
>>> 	print "failed"
>>> (example code off)
>>  The usual way for Python<3.0 is:
>>  answer = raw_input("Test test test ").lower()
>> if answer == "yes":
>>      ...
>>  The input() function evaluates user input as an expression: if he  
>> types 2+5 the input() function returns the integer 7. I would never use  
>> input() in a program - it's way too unsafe; use always raw_input  
>> instead.
> If I use it like that, do I have to import anything to have the .lower()  
> work? And if I do, what does the .lower() signify?
> --

You don't need to import any module to use ".lower()"; it is a method of a  
string.  raw_input() returns a string, so you can use methods of a string.

Try the following statement to see what happens:

Kam-Hung Soh <a href="">Software Salariman</a>

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