readlines with line number support?

Paul McNett p at
Wed May 14 14:42:27 EDT 2008

Nikhil wrote:
> I am reading a file with readlines method of the filepointer object 
> returned by the open function. Along with reading the lines, I also need 
> to know which line number of the file is read in the loop everytime.
> I am sure, the line should have the property/attribute which will say 
> the line number of the file.
> If there is none, do I have to end up using the counter in the loop?
> fp = open("file", "r")
> lineno = 0
> for line in fp.readlines():
>     print "line number: " + lineno + ": " + line.rstrip()
>         lineno = lineno + 1


for lineno, line in enumerate(open("file")):
   print "line number: %s : %s" % (idx, line.rstrip())

Note the other stylistic changes, too.


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