C-like assignment expression?
google at mrabarnett.plus.com
Wed May 21 13:26:28 EDT 2008
On May 21, 5:50 pm, "inhahe" <inh... at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> One thing I hate from C is the assignment in expressions...Forcing
> >> myself to write
> >> 0 == Something
> >> rather than
> >> Something == 0
> > interesting trick, i've never thought of that/seen it
> > although if Python implemented it I think it should default to giving
> > warnings when you use = in an expression, that way you don't have to
> > worry.
> That introduces complications though, do you want to see a pagefull of
> warnings every time you import a module that uses the ='s?
> You could specify in your python file that you want to suppress that
> warning, but then you'd never know when you used = by accident when you
> meant to use ==.
> anyway i was thinking you could have a second assignment operator to use
> just in expressions, and only allow that. it could be := since some
> languages tend to use that. i wouldn't like it as a general assignment
> operator but assignment in expressions is a special case. also <- or ->.
> C uses -> for functions but I think math/calculators use that for
> assignment.
My preference would be ?=.
if match ?= my_re1.match(line):
# use match
elif match ?= my_re2.match(line):
# use match
elif match ?= my_re3.match(line):
# use match
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