PyDev multiple source files?

RossGK rossgk at
Fri May 30 14:45:22 EDT 2008

On May 30, 2:10 pm, RossGK <ros... at> wrote:

> Now I want to be able to break my single source file up into multiple
> files to segregate functions, divide up with others, etc, but I don't
> know how to configure it.

Found a reference that helped me out:

The keys for me are that a) a file named is called a module (I
thought a module was a set of files within a package - nope just a
source file).

Import is the right thing for an 'include' action - but after you
import you need to hierarchically reference the contents of the
imported module.   So if my 'module' contains a "def things",
then after I have done my "import junk"  I refer to things as

Global seem to have a scope of only their current module. So the
question that comes to mind is how to create a global global.  Can I
stick it into or something and have it available for the
whole package?

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