Write a python blog/website?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu May 8 20:04:10 EDT 2008

2008/5/9 Sumon Sadhu <sumon.sadhu at gmail.com>:
> Hey Dotan,
> My apologies if this post caused offense. Your assertion is right, maybe i
> should have emailed everyone individually like i've done with the first 45
> sites, but it was never my intention to spam.

Sumon, I think that you do not understand the perception of spam in
technological circles. Today, there is no way to initiate contact with
a business offer via email. None. All email solicitations are
unwelcome. I tell you this to help you. I do not know if you receive
5000 spam messages a week like I receive, but know that a sizeable
portion of the Python list gets considerably more. These people hate

> We're programmers like yourself, trying to build something that provides a
> lot of benefit. You can see our intentions are genuine (and our python ad
> server was fun to build)

Actually, I am not a programmer by trade. I learn python for fun while
I study mechanical engineering. I read the python list for the wisdom
that passes, and rarely post.

> So while i appreciate your response, it was never my attention to be
> "spammy"

I recognized that from the beginning, and stated that in my original
post. Which should have been kept private between us, now I realize.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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