comparing dictionaries

Carsten Haese carsten.haese at
Wed May 7 10:30:46 EDT 2008

brad wrote:
> I want to compare two dicts that should have identical info just in a 
> different data structure. The first dict's contents look like this. It 
> is authoritative... I know for sure it has the correct key value pairs:
> {'001' : '01'}
> The second dict's contents are like this with a tuple instead of a 
> string for the key:
> {('This is one', '001'): '01'}

It looks like extracting key[1] from each key of the second dictionary 
should yield the keys of the first dictionary. If that is the case, then 
the following should do it:

d1 = {'001':'01', '002':'02'}
d2 = {('This is one', '001'): '01', ('This is two', '002'): '02'}

if d1 == dict( zip( (k[1] for k in d2.keys()), d2.values() ) ):
     print "They're 'equal'."


Carsten Haese

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