Win98, Python 2.5 and plotmatlib
W. eWatson
notvalid2 at
Sun Nov 16 04:36:27 EST 2008
W. eWatson wrote:
> Has anyone gotten the combination of items in the Subject to work
> together? The pylab line here fails:
> from Tkinter import *
> from numpy import *
> import Image
> import ImageChops
> import ImageTk
> import time
> import binascii
> import tkMessageBox
> import tkSimpleDialog
> from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, xticks, bar
> It works fine in XP Pro, Py 2.5
OK, I guess no one has used pylab and Py 2.5 together, so how about just Py
2.5 on a Win 98 machine?
W. eWatson
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