about escape string store in mysql
google at mrabarnett.plus.com
Sun Nov 16 10:34:47 EST 2008
On Nov 16, 7:05 am, ylj... at gmail.com wrote:
> this string from web by the Regular Expression,
> −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
> href="#" onClick="ConvertURL2FG('Flashget://
> W0ZMQVNIR0VUXWh0dHA6Ly9tb3YuM2dwLmNuL2d1aWxpbi8yMDA4LzExLzExL3l1ZWhvdWppZmVuMDIuM2dwW0ZMQVNIR0VUXQ==&233','',
> 233)" oncontextmenu="Flashget_SetHref(this)" fg="Flashget://
> W0ZMQVNIR0VUXWh0dHA6Ly9tb3YuM2dwLmNuL2d1aWxpbi8yMDA4LzExLzExL3l1ZWhvdWppZmVuMDIuM2dwW0ZMQVNIR0VUXQ==&233"
> −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
> my code:
> ******************************************************************************
> # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import MySQLdb
> conn=MySQLdb.connect
> (host="localhost",user="root",passwd="ylj",db="net", charset="utf8")
> cur = conn.cursor()
> s="""href="#" onClick="ConvertURL2FG('Flashget://
> W0ZMQVNIR0VUXWh0dHA6Ly9tb3YuM2dwLmNuL2d1aWxpbi8yMDA4LzExLzExL3l1ZWhvdWppZmVuMDIuM2dwW0ZMQVNIR0VUXQ==&233','',
> 233)" oncontextmenu="Flashget_SetHref(this)" fg="Flashget://
> W0ZMQVNIR0VUXWh0dHA6Ly9tb3YuM2dwLmNuL2d1aWxpbi8yMDA4LzExLzExL3l1ZWhvdWppZmVuMDIuM2dwW0ZMQVNIR0VUXQ==&233""""
> s=mysqldb.escape_string(s)
> sql='insert into download(lines) values(%s)'
> cur.execute(sql, s)
> ************************************************************
> when I used the mysqldb.escape_string(),but eric gave me a error,tell
> me that my sql strings have escape string.
> how can i put the strings in database.
The string that you're trying to put into the database ends ...=&233",
so when you triple-quote it you get ...=&233"""". Python sees this
as ...=&233""" (triple quotes end the triple-quoted string) followed
by " and then the end of the line.
Try escaping the quote after ...=&233, ie ...=&233\"""".
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