Great exercise for python expert !
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Fri Nov 28 10:53:03 EST 2008
> I just want to make a jquery wrapper, and let people use it to write
> jquery call on the server side in a python way ...
> o is a object, imagine a widget : like a textarea or input box
> "js" is a special attribut of "o", which will let you write javascript
> for this object.
> o=MyObject()
> o.js.toggleClass("clean").hide()
> When I will render the object to a http/html output : it will generate
> something like (a javascript call): $("#idOfMyObject").toggleClass
> ("clean").hide();
> It's all what I want in the real world.
> I wouldn't do something like that (with the "()" tricks at the end on
> the chain, because I don't find it really readable/natural)
> o=MyObject()
> o.js.toggleClass("clean").hide()()
> The code I gave before (the JQueryCaller) was just my try to do what I
> want ... If there is another way : I take ;-)
But there must be *something* on this end of the chain, because how is
python otherwise to distinguish betwenn
Now the question is if the action that is to take must be on the object
itself. Maybe it works for you to make the assignment to some other object
do the trick, or additon. Something like this:
self.js_calls += os.js.toggleClass().hide()
Then in the __iadd__-method of js_calls you can render the right side.
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