explanation of values, references, assignment, and method calls

Joe Strout joe at strout.net
Tue Oct 28 12:16:39 EDT 2008

I've tried to write up this topic in a clear, step-by-step manner,  
with the help of diagrams and short examples from several different  
OOP languages.  I hope it will help clear up the confusion that seems  
to be pervading the Python community (and which is far more rare in  
the other language communities, despite them having the very same  


It's still a bit rough around the edges, and probably contains some  
typos, as I finished it late last night and haven't even had a chance  
to proof-read it yet.  But I may not get another chance to work on it  
for a few days, so I wanted to get it out there now.  I welcome your  

- Joe

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