What's the perfect (OS independent) way of storing filepaths ?

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at free.quelquepart.fr
Mon Oct 20 13:33:57 EDT 2008

Eric Wertman a écrit :
>>> I (again) wonder what's the perfect way to store, OS-independent,
>>> filepaths ?
> I'm in agreement that perfect probably isn't applicable.  If I were
> doing this myself, I might store the information in a tuple:
> base = 'some root structure ('/' or 'C')

make it "C:\"

> path = ['some','set','of','path','names']
> filename = 'somefile.ext'
> pathdata = (root,path,filename)
> and write a couple of simple functions to reconstruct them based on the os.

like, err, os.path.join ?

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