Pyodbc and minimock with doctest

dj d.a.abernathy at
Fri Oct 31 10:43:32 EDT 2008


I have just started working with minimock in doctest.
I want to create a mock pyodbc object which returns a string value
when the method execute is called.

Here is my doctest:

>>> from minimock import Mock
>>> import pyodbc

>>> def database_response()
...       ServerName = 'test_server'
...       DbName = 'test_database'
...       User = 'test_user'
...       Pass ='test_pass'
...       connstring ='DRIVER{SQL Server};SERVER=%s;DATABASE=%s;UID=
%s;PWD=%s;' % (ServerName,
...                          DbName, User, Pass)
...       cnx = pyodbc.connect(connstring)
...       cur = cnx.cursor()
...       name = cur.execute("select user_id from user")
...       print 'name:%s' % name

>>>    pyodbc = Mock('pyodbc')
>>>    pyodbc.connect.mock_returns = Mock('pyodbc')
>>>    pyodbc.cursor.mock_returns = Mock('pyodbc')
>>>    pyodbc.execute = Mock('pyodbc.execute', returns=True)
>>>    pyodbc.execute.returns = 'Return this string.'
>>>    pyodbc.execute.mock_returns = Mock('pyodbc.execute')

>>>    database_response() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

Here is the output from doctest:
File ".\pyodbc_test.txt", line 35, in pyodbc_test.txt
Failed example:
        database_response()  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Expected nothing

Called pyodbc.connect({DRIVER{SQLServer};
Called pyodbc.cursor()
Called pyodbc.execute('select user_id from users')
name: None
The last line of the output, name : Name, should read, name: Return
this string.
Clearly I am not assigning the string correctly, but I can't figure
out what I am
doing wrong. Any ideas ?

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