
Philip Semanchuk philip at
Tue Oct 21 09:34:43 EDT 2008

On Oct 21, 2008, at 9:05 AM, Amie wrote:

> Hi,
> what does is the meaning of this error: int object is unsubscriptable.
> This is the code that I have written that seems to give me that:
> def render_sideMenu(self, ctx, data):
>    def render_dataAge(unit):
>        results = [(i[0], i[1]
>        ) for i in unit]
>        return self.dataTable(["Unit Name", "Current Data Age"],
> results, sortable=True),
>    return
> self
> .enamel
> .,storage
> .getDataAge(int(self.arguments[0])).addCallback(render_dataAge)

I can't see all of your code so I'm not sure, but it sounds like  
you're treating a plain int object as if it was a sequence (like a  
list or a tuple). My guess is that "i" in the code above is an int.  
Try this Python code in the interpreter and you'll get the same error:

 >>> 1[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable

-- OR --

 >>> i = 1
 >>> i[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable

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