Python Imaging Library (PIL) question

Sid sidmitra85-del at
Mon Oct 20 14:14:09 EDT 2008


  I am tryin to copy an image into my own data structure(a sort of 2d array  
for further FFT). I've banged my head over the code for a couple of hours  
now. The simplified version of  my problem is below.


import Image
pic ="Images/a.jpg")
(picdata,width,height)  = (pic.load(),pic.size[0],pic.size[1])

picMap = [[0] * width ] * height 	#matrix needed for FFT

print "------Printing PIC MAP------"
for h in range(0,height):
     for w in range(0,width):
         print picMap[h][w]," ", #everything initialized to ZERO...this is  
     print "\n"

print "------Copying to  PIC MAP------"
for h in range(0, height):
     for w in range(0, width):
         picMap[h][w] = picdata[w,h] #problem lies here????
         print picMap[h][w]," ",  #Seems to copy perfectly here as the  
output shows
     print "\n"

print "------Printing PIC MAP AGAIN------"
for h in range(0,height):
     for w in range(0,width):
         print picMap[h][w]," ",  #Should print the values as above, but  
     print "\n"

#-----------------Code End------------------------

Hopefully someone would take a look and let me know what i'm doing  
something wrong here.

Thanks a lot

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