equivalent of py2exe in other os

Joe Strout joe at strout.net
Tue Oct 7 10:58:51 EDT 2008

On Oct 7, 2008, at 8:43 AM, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

> I believe that all (or nearly all) Unix variants come with Python  
> preinstalled. Ubuntu, at least, has a lot of system programs written  
> in Python. Even Mac OS X requires Python.

Yes, but with significant differences between different Python  
distributions, you might be safer bundling whatever version of Python  
your app requires with the app itself.  Otherwise, you risk your app  
failing (and probably puking up runtime exceptions all over the poor  
user's lap) on some distros or versions.

(My Mac OS X machine comes with Python 2.5.1, for example, which is  
hardly the latest.)

- Joe

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