How to emit UTF-8 from console mode?
Siegfried Heintze
siegfried at
Wed Oct 1 00:27:56 EDT 2008
The following perl program works when I run it from urxvt-X console on
cygwin-x windows
LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 urxvt-X.exe&
perl -wle "binmode STDOUT, q[:utf8]; print chr() for 0x410 .. 0x430;"
This little one liner prints the Russian alphabet in Cryllic. With some
slight modification it will also print a lot of other alphabets too --
including Hebrew, chinese and japanese.
It does not work with cmd.exe because apparently cmd.exe cannot deal with
Can someone help me translate it into python? I would not expect it to work
from cmd.exe with python, but I am hopeful it will work with urxvt-X!
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