Dictionary of Dicts question

bearophileHUGS at lycos.com bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Fri Oct 17 09:34:13 EDT 2008

> for line in open(path):
>     fields = line.split("\t")
>     data[tuple(fields[ : 2])] = fields[2 : ]

Keeping the key as a string may have some memory/performance
advantages (not tested):

for line in open(path):
    fields = line.split("\t")
    data[fields[0] + fields[1]] = map(float, islice(fields, 2, None))

Or probably faster (not tested):

for line in open(path):
    parts = s.rsplit("\t", 6)
    data[parts[0]] = map(float, islice(parts, 1, None))

Or (not tested):

for line in open(path):
    parts = s.rsplit("\t", 6)
    data[parts[0]] = [float(parts[i]) for i in xrange(1, 7)]

Having a built-in xsplit/xsplitr method here probably helps
If the FP numbers are really precise then you can compare them as
strings too, but that's quite unsafe.


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