Inefficient summing
Chris Rebert
clp at
Wed Oct 8 16:47:05 EDT 2008
I personally would probably do:
from collections import defaultdict
label2sum = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for r in rec:
for key, value in r.iteritems():
label2sum[key] += value
ratio = label2sum["F1"] / label2sum["F2"]
This iterates through each 'r' only once, and (imho) is pretty
readable provided you know how defaultdicts work. Not everything has
to unnecessarily be made a one-liner. Coding is about readability
first, optimization second. And optimized code should not be
abbreviated, which would make it even harder to understand.
I probably would have gone with your second solution if performance
was no object.
Follow the path of the Iguana...
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:23 PM, beginner <zyzhu2000 at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a list of records like below:
> rec=[{"F1":1, "F2":2}, {"F1":3, "F2":4} ]
> Now I want to write code to find out the ratio of the sums of the two
> fields.
> One thing I can do is:
> sum(r["F1"] for r in rec)/sum(r["F2"] for r in rec)
> But this is slow because I have to iterate through the list twice.
> Also, in the case where rec is an iterator, it does not work.
> I can also do this:
> sum1, sum2= reduce(lambda x, y: (x[0]+y[0], x[1]+y[1]), ((r["F1"],
> r["F2"]) for r in rec))
> sum1/sum2
> This loops through the list only once, and is probably more efficient,
> but it is less readable.
> I can of course use an old-fashioned loop. This is more readable, but
> also more verbose.
> What is the best way, I wonder?
> -a new python programmer
> --
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