default value in __init__
Bruno Desthuilliers
bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Mon Oct 20 07:55:31 EDT 2008
David C. Ullrich a écrit :
> In article <48f505c8$0$20216$426a74cc at>,
> Bruno Desthuilliers <bdesth.quelquechose at> wrote:
>>>> Well... How to say.. Is there any chance these people will read anything
>>>> *at all* ?
>>> No. That's exactly the point!
>> Yeps. But I don't think we derive the same conclusions from that point.
> Erm, I think maybe your irony detector needs a little calibration...
Possibly, yes...
>>> [...]
>>> In particular default parameters should work the way the user
>>> expects! The fact that different users will expect different
>>> things here is no excuse...
> I was worried someone might not realize I was being sarcastic,
> which is why I threw in this obvious impossibility
>> If different users expect different - mostly incompatible - things, how
>> would it be possible to have it working "the way the user expect" ?
> but I guess it wasn't enough.
Obviously not - at least for me. OTHO, I've seen peoples very seriously
asking for such obvious impossibilities.
>> Should Python grow some telepathic features to guess the user's
>> expectations and modifies itself to meet these expectations ?-)
And the answer is, of course, 42.
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