Losing curses decorations.

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Wed Oct 8 03:16:36 EDT 2008

Joe Keen wrote:

> I'm working on a small curses application that opens an external
> editor occasionally; in the current case I'm testing its running vi.
> Once I exit vi and return to the curses application I lose the
> background color, window frames, and any text I had on the screen
> before I opened vi.  I can still see the program functioning though as
> it is still responding to key strokes and still updating small
> portions of the screen.  I'm obviously doing something wrong but so
> far I haven't been able to figure out what from the documentation.
> I've boiled the problem I'm seeing down to a relatively small program:

Does redrawing

> def vitest():
>     os.system('vi /tmp/foo_bar_baz');
>     return 1



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