Need some help speeding up this loop
Arnaud Delobelle
arnodel at
Thu Oct 30 06:01:50 EDT 2008
On Oct 30, 2:24 am, erikcw <erikwickst... at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to write a loop that will build a list of "template
> strings".
> My current implementation is *really slow*. It took 15 minutes to
> finish. (final len(list) was about 16k entries.)
> #combinations = 12 small template strings ie "{{ city }},
> {{ state }}..."
> #states = either a django model or a list of 50 states
> #cities = either a django model of 400 cities or a smaller list of
> cities.
> templates = []
> for c in combinations:
> if len(states):
> for state in states:
> if type(geo) is City:
> cities = state.city_set.all()
> else:
> cities = geo
> for city in cities:
> if type(city) is City:
> city =
> templates.append(c.template.replace('{{ city }}',
> city))
> templates.append(c.template) #just in case there are no
> cities
> templates = [k.replace('{{ state }}',
> state.state).replace('{{ state_abbr }}', state.abbreviation) for k in
> templates]
The line above does a lot of unnecessary work as you iterate over lots
of templates which have already been completely substituted.
> elif len(geo):
> for city in geo:
> templates.append(c.template.replace('{{ city }}', city))
> else:
> #no cities or states so add roots
> templates.append(c.template)
> The final output needs to be a list of the templates combined with all
> the states and cities (some templates will only have the city, some
> only the state).
> Any ideas how I can optimize this?
> Thanks!
I would suggest this (untested):
def template_replace(template, values):
for var, val in values.iteritems():
template = template.replace('{{ %s }}' % var, val)
return template
templates = []
for c in combinations:
if len(states):
for state in states:
values = { 'state': state.state,
'state_abbr': state.abbreviation }
#just in case there are no cities :
templates.append(template_replace(c.template, values)
if type(geo) is City:
cities = state.city_set.all()
cities = geo
for city in cities:
if type(city) is City:
values['city'] =
# Do all the replacing in one go:
elif len(geo):
for city in geo:
#no cities or states so add roots
Even better would be to iterate over states, then cities, then only
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