Question about reading a xml
xiaowei.lin at
xiaowei.lin at
Thu Sep 25 04:44:14 EDT 2008
Hi all,
I am working on SunOS 5.8, Python 2.2.2
When I run the python grogram below:
import xml.dom.minidom
xml_str = """\
<a>' this is a</a>
<b>c' this is b</b>
<c>this is c</c>
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str)
na = dom.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]
nb = dom.getElementsByTagName("b")[0]
nc = dom.getElementsByTagName("c")[0]
print na.childNodes[0].data
print nb.childNodes[0].data
print nc.childNodes[0].data
The result is as below:
" this is a
this is c
I don't know why the letters following the quote are lost.
Even the quote lost if the quote following another letter.
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