catching exceptions from fortran
john.m.roach at
Mon Sep 15 09:04:27 EDT 2008
On Sep 11, 8:23 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-... at>
> En Thu, 11 Sep 2008 10:43:08 -0300, john < at> escribió:
> > I wrapped some fortran code using F2PY and need to be able to catch
> > fortran runtime errors to run the following:
> [reindented]
> > # "grid" is a wrapped fortran module
> > # no runtime errors incurred when run with the correct inputs for
> > filetype
> > #-------------------------------
> > def readGrid( self, coord='xyz' ):
> > mg = ( '.FALSE.', '.TRUE.' )
> > form = ( 'FORMATTED', 'UNFORMATTED' )
> > success = False
> > for m in mg:
> > for f in form:
> > try:
> > if coord == 'xyz':
> > self.grid.readxyz( self.filename, f, m )
> > success = True
> > elif coord == 'xyrb':
> > self.grid.readxyrb( self.filename, f, m )
> > success = True
> > else:
> > import sys
> > print 'gridtype "' + str(coord) + '" not supported. ' \
> > + '<>'
> > except:
> > continue
> > if not success:
> > import sys
> > print 'gridfile "' + str(self.filename) + '" not read in any
> > recognized format' \
> > + ' <>'
> > #----------------------------
> I suppose you want to stop trying other formats after a successful read;
> in that case put a break statement just below both success=True.
> If coord is unrecognized, the code above prints the same message 4 times.
> Instead of printing a message, in those cases usually an exception is
> raised, letting a higher layer handle the error. And using string
> interpolation is a lot easier than building the message in parts:
> raise ValueError('gridtype "%s" not supported. <>' %
> coord)
> If you want to catch errors on the Fortran code *only*, the try/except
> should be more specific (both in scope and what it catches). The Exception
> class is the more generic exception that you should catch.
> > basically, what i want to happen is to try to run 'something' with the
> > wrapped fortran code and if that doesn't work (error encountered,
> > etc.) try something else. is there an easier way to go about doing
> > this? is there something i'm missing about catching exceptions here?
> I'd reorder the code in this way (untested, of course):
> def readGrid(self, coord='xyz'):
> def try_all_formats(read_function, filename):
> mg = ('.FALSE.', '.TRUE.')
> success = False
> for m in mg:
> for f in form:
> try:
> read_function(filename, f, m)
> success = True
> break
> except Exception, e:
> # this line only for debugging purposes
> print "error %r when using m=%r f=%r" % (e, m, f)
> continue
> if not success:
> raise ValueError('gridfile "%s" not read '
> 'in any recognized format '
> '<>' % filename)
> if coord == 'xyz':
> try_all_formats(self.grid.readxyz, self.filename)
> elif coord == 'xyrb':
> try_all_formats(self.grid.readxyrb, self.filename)
> else:
> raise ValueError('gridtype "%s" not supported. '
> '<>' % coord)
> I don't know about F2PY but the values ('.FALSE.', '.TRUE.') seem
> suspicious. AFAIR, .FALSE. and .TRUE. are the Fortran spellings of False
> and True in Python - they're not strings, but boolean values. So maybe the
> right way is to use
> mg = (False, True)
> Your code above was catching and ignoring everything, even this error, if
> it happened.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
i agree with everything you write, but unless i misunderstood
something, this still doesn't address the main problem of the try-
except construct not preventing the program from aborting when the
wrapped fortran code encounters an error. i tried hard-coding all of
the passed variables to the fortran code and ran that code alone--
works. however, when an incorrect fortran read is attempted (ex.
formatted read on unformatted file), the python except still fails to
catch the error and the code aborts with a runtime error...
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