firefox timestamp

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Mon Sep 8 10:41:42 EDT 2008

abhilash pp wrote:

> I don't know if this question will fit on this section,
> any way my query is , i have used one script to extract 
> details from Firefox history.dat file
> and now the problem is how to convert the TIMESTAMP given by that to 
> normal date and time.
> example timestams are like this,
> 1202919771609375
> 1213874676203125
> 1215693263859375
> i have used datetime module for this but it gave me error

a quick googling indicates that the file contains microseconds, not 
seconds.  dividing by 1e6 should do the trick:

 >>> t = 1202919771609375
 >>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t / 1e6)
datetime.datetime(2008, 2, 13, 17, 22, 51, 609375)


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