Python and Open Office
Maric Michaud
maric at
Mon Sep 15 08:16:00 EDT 2008
Le Wednesday 10 September 2008 22:04:57 Greg Lindstrom, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to create and manipulate Open Office documents using Python.
> I have found then UNO Python page and odfpy modules which seem to be
> exactly what I need. The odfpy manual is, to me, a confusing list of
> objects and methods (it's an impressive list!), but does not have much in
> the way of how to use them. For example, I can open a spreadsheet and
> create new pages (there's a nice example near the back of the manual) but I
> can't figure out how to open an existing spreadsheet and list the names of
> the individual sheets ("tabs").
> I have written an application that access Microsoft Excel and creates
> reports for work, but would like to create an Open Source version using
> Open Office and release it to the community (and maybe get a talk at PyCon
> :-).
> Is there someone here who can help me out, or is there an appropriate
> mailing list for me to join?
> Thanks
> --greg
I don't like the UNO solution, first, UNO API is not that practical, second
you'll need to have a running instance of openoffice, which I wouldn't want
to manage for a server application in term of performance, reliability and
I had to produce text document within a zope application once, and did this by
replacing variables values in a template directly in the xml, the function
was no more than twenty lines long, and used only stdlib modules (see below).
A far better approach IMHO.
Of course for big manipultaion it could be more error prone and it's a good
news that odfpy exists (I didn't use for my example because it was too
simple), so I give it a try :
>>>[1]: import odf.opendocument
>>>[2]: import odf.table
>>>[3]: new = odf.opendocument.OpenDocumentSpreadsheet()
>>>[4]: for n in ('titi', 'tata', 'toto') :
maric at redflag1 17:10:27:~/odfpy-0.8$ ooffice toto.ods # document ok !
maric at redflag1 17:10:31:~/odfpy-0.8$ ipython
>>>[12]: import odf.table
>>>[13]: import odf.opendocument
>>>[14]: for t in old.spreadsheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.Table) :
print t.getAttribute('name')
Great !
This was the function I use (from a local copy of the product I backed up, I
have not the application working nor the svn server so I didn't test this
version, but it's mainly the idea that is interesting) :
def updateVariablesInSXW(self, variables, sxw) :
from zipfile import ZipFile
from StringIO import StringIO
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
sxw = StringIO(sxw)
zip = ZipFile(sxw, 'a')
dom_document = parseString('content.xml'))
dom_styles = parseString('styles.xml'))
def update_variables(node) :
if node.nodeName in ('text:variable-set','text:variable-get') :
variable = node.attributes['text:name'].value
if variable in variables :
value = variables[variable].decode('utf-8')
if node.attributes.has_key('text:value') :
node.attributes['text:value'].value = value
if node.attributes.has_key('text:string-value') :
node.attributes['text:string-value'].value = value
if node.firstChild is not None :
node.firstChild.nodeValue = value
for i in node.childNodes :
for i in (dom_document, dom_styles) :
zip.writestr('content.xml', dom_document.toxml().encode('utf-8'))
zip.writestr('styles.xml', dom_styles.toxml().encode('utf-8'))
and a sample use (code frome a Zope product, facture is french term for
invoice) :
def prepareFacture(self) :
import math
price, devise = self.getProgramme().getPrice().split()
end = self.getProgramme().end()
start = self.getProgramme().start()
subscriber = self.getSubscriberInfo()
variables = {
'fullname' : subscriber.fullname,
'address' : subscriber.address,
'company' :,
'price' : price,
'quantity' : str(1),
'duration' : str(int(math.ceil(end - start))),
'ht' : price + ' ' + devise,
'ttc' : str(float(price)*1.196) + ' ' + devise,
'tva' : str(float(price)*0.196) + ' ' + devise,
'cours' : self.getProgramme().title_or_id(),
'location' : self.getProgramme().getLocation().title_or_id(),
'start' : self.toLocalizedTime(start),
'end' : self.toLocalizedTime(end),
#'timetable' : self.getProgramme().getTimetable(),
'num_facture' : self.getNumFacture(),
'cp' : subscriber.postal,
'country' :,
'city' :,
if == 'france' :
template_name = 'ModeleFactureFormationTVA.sxw'
else :
template_name = 'ModeleFactureFormation.sxw'
template = str(getattr(self, template_name))
facture = self.updateVariablesInSXW(variables, template)
self.setFactureSXW(facture, filename="facture_%s.sxw" %
Maric Michaud
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