getting global variables from dictionary

Chris Rebert clp at
Fri Sep 26 22:17:38 EDT 2008

When you do "Variables()" in your code, you're making a new instance
of that class that has no relation to any other instances. This is the
cause of your problem. To just reference a class, use just
"Variables". But that doesn't help in this case because var_dict is an
instance variable, not a class variable.

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 7:01 PM, icarus <rsarpi at> wrote:
> has the global variables
No it doesn't, it just defines a class. The class itself (but NOT its
instances) is a module-level global.

> changes one of the values on the global variables (don't
> close it or terminate)
No, it just instanciates the Variables class and then manipulates the
instance, which is then GC-ed because it's no longer referenced
anywhere, even in set_var.

> retrieves the recently value changed (triggered right after
> above)
No, it creates an entirely new instance of Variables and then fetches
the value from that instance (which is still using the default value
because this new instance has never been modified).

> Problem: retrieves the old value, the built-in one but not
> the recently changed value in
> What am I doing wrong?

Try just making var_dict a module-level variable in and
then manipulating that rather than this unnecessary mucking about with
Variables(). Alternatively, make var_dict a *class* variable of
Variables by removing it from __init__ and just putting 'var_dict =
{"username": "original username"}' in the raw class body of Variables;
And then remove the parentheses after Variables as I mentioned in the


> #!/usr/bin/python
> class Variables :
>        def __init__(self) :
>                self.var_dict = {"username": "original username"}
> ---
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import time
> import global_vars
> global_vars.Variables().var_dict["username"] = "new username"
> time.sleep(10)   #give enough time to trigger
> ---
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import global_vars
> print global_vars.Variables().var_dict.get("username")
> --
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