lacking follow-through
castironpi at
Mon Sep 8 15:20:42 EDT 2008
On Sep 8, 2:04 pm, "Chris Rebert" <c... at> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Eric Wertman <ewert... at> wrote:
> >> Perhaps the wrong idea of what the group is. I would have thought
> >> that
> >> if one had a sufficiently developed idea and wanted to have it /
> >> formally/
> >> rejected, rather than merely sniped at, then writting a PEP would be
> >> more
> >> apposite than posting to
> >> It's fine to post your not sufficiently developed ideas here merely
> >> to
> >> have them discussed. But I don't know what makes you feel that you,
> >> or
> >> your ideas, are /entitled/ to any response at all, much less
> >> "follow-through."
> > To expand on this a little bit, I've been subscribed to this group
> > for a couple of months, but there seems to be a bit more gray area
> > between what would go to a 'python-dev' group and a 'python-user'
> > group. Long debates about language features and abstract ideas would
> > appeal to the former, but not the latter. Certainly I fall into the
> > user category.. I'm pretty happy with python, and generally just
> > adjust to it's design and features, rather than spend lots of time on
> > whether they are 'right' or could be 'better'. /shrug
> Yeah, suggestions about changing the language are much better suited
> to the more-specific Python-ideas or Python-3000 mailinglists than the
> general-purpose c.l.p
> - Chris
> > --
> >
> --
> Follow the path of the Iguana...
Some of the core devs from Python-Ideas have suggested that I get some
of my ideas started on Also, I'm looking for people to
connect with and interact with about Python and none of the core devs
have time, which makes the place. I'm starting to get
discouraged, as though there's no one really interested in this cool
thing I'm thinking of. Or did I just not describe it well? It would
be safe to assume that people read my post, understood it, and weren't
interested, except that a few replies came, and then it was dropped
without any obvious explanation.
Further, and I'm sad to report this, I found tempers really high
strung on the Ideas list, so may have more potential anyway,
with more young and flexible users. Not to say that the core devs are
old or brittle or anything, just that their time is already devoted
and they don't have time for people like me.
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