Files application architecture
Benjamin Watine
watine at
Mon Sep 8 11:44:33 EDT 2008
Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :
> Benjamin Watine a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm about to develop a small python application and I wonder how to
>> organize files in this application.
>> I'm familar to java, so I'm tempted to use the same convention
>> : 1 file per class and 1 folders per package.
> Don't. This is a waste of time and a pain to maintain, and more over it
> doesn't make any sense since Python doesn't force you to put everything
> in classes.
>> I know that packages doesn't exists in python,
> Did you actually read the doc ? While Python's packages are not the same
> thing as Java's, they do exist.
>> they are modules instead. May I create specific module for each "group
>> of class" ?
> The usual way to get cohesive modules is indeed to group closely related
> objects (classes, functions, etc) in a same module.
>> My application follow the MVC paradigm, so basically, I've a package
>> Model, a package View, and a package Controller.
> If your app is small, having _modules_ models, views and controllers
> should be enough.
>> So, what are best practices for organizing files and folders in a
>> small python project ?
> The best practice is to keep things simple, as usual.
Thank you all for your good advices and links. I'm new to python and I
have yet a lot of things to learn !
Now, I would like to take a look to a well coded wxPython application.
Could anybody indicate a project that I could take as reference for
standard python coding style ?
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