Making small executive file for distribution

Sebastian Bassi sbassi at
Wed Sep 24 14:16:31 EDT 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Marin Brkic
<mbrkic at invalid_mail.adress> wrote:
> As far as I know py2exe is the only option which can do such a thing
> (make exe files from scripts). Is there a way to make those exe files
> a little smaller (for a small script they easily go up to 5-10 mb).

An alternative solution: Give them a copy of "portable python". It is
a Python enviroment that can be used by just copying its file in a
single directory (to run python from a pendrive for example), with the
need to install any program
It even work in Linux with wine (but you seldon need that since most
modern Linux distros has a uptodate Python setup).

Sebastián Bassi. Diplomado en Ciencia y Tecnología.
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